
An Attitude of Gratitude (Yes, it is as corny as it sounds)

I woke up this morning and it was FINALLY SUNNY. Well it has been for two days now but it is FINALLY SUNNY WITH NO WORK! Yay, instant happy shot.

After being lulled to sleep by the incredibly comforting (NOT) story of the Cheshire murders and being woken ten times in the night by a barking dog, my sleep was less than satisfactory. Yet, there is nothing that makes me feel better than a bright sunny day. So I was satisfied AND I had a cup of coffee waiting for me on the table from Michael. GOOD MORNING!

I have to take care of my doggie while my paarents are on a mini vacation so I dragged my butt off the couch and headed to their house approximately three minutes away (even though it feels like an eternity when I am lazy which is ALWAYS). I walked in, saw him wagging his tail with that stupid look on his face and instantly grew envious of how easy it is to be a dog. Sometimes I really wish I was born a dog. Seriously. Until I see stories like Michael Vick's I believe being a dog would be amazing.

So after I got over my envy of my dog I started contemplating. Is my life really that bad? I mean even at the worst, worst point (which there have been approximately two in recent memory that I can easily point to) was my life REALLY THAT BAD? Then I began comparing myself to the rest of the population in the United States ... and the world ... and I came up with some points.

Point A: I have a place to live. In fact, I technically have two, and endless options were those not readily available to me because ... this brings me to Point B ... I have a job.

Point B: I have a job. Yea, it's not what I want to do for the rest of my life and yes, sometimes it is frustrating, irritating and unsatisfactory but SERIOUSLY who the EFF am I? I HAVE A JOB. Look around yourself Liz, you are better off than a good percent of the population. Sometimes I just want to smack myself.

Point C: I have food. Too much food. I need to stop gaining weight.

Point D: I have people who love me ... and good friends. I came home and talked to Michael before he went out to work and he told me about someone who is close to him who feels they cannot confide in their friends. Ouch. I actually hurt for them because I am so BLESSED. I have the best, best friends a person could ever ask for.

Who can say they have not ONE



Not many people can say that, let me tell you. But I can. And even when those best friends are going through tough times and I am left all alone, I have countless other people I can rely on. Some people have no one.

I can go on all the way to Point Z but since I am lazy I will just leave it there and reference this post when I am being a grouchy little bitch, like I was being last night.

Now off to return things at Kohl's, do some weekend work and buy a pumpkin ... or just sit on the couch, we'll see : )

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