
I’m a lucky man to count on both hands the ones I love. Some folks just have one, others they got none ...


Hm. I just decided I am not only going to use this to share my 100 Awesome things but other stuff I find totally awesome.

Number One: Pearl Jam. Specifically the song entitled "Just Breathe"
Feel free to take a listen.

Anyway. Proceed to Task One.


I don't know if this is considered complete cheating but I am going to do it anyway because this is my life, my blog and my rules. In fact, that attitude is what helped me on my Task One.

Allow me to provide you with some background. My best friend, soulmate, sister, lover etc. was going through a rough patch. Poor girl. She has an aggressive streak, it's just hidden behind the sweetest demeanor known to man. Liz to the rescue to put a little rough around those edges!

Now, here is my biffle, being sweet as pie and doing just as everyone else tells her to do, and here is Liz, observing as she gets increasingly miserable (I promise - there is a moment of motivation somewhere in this story). So as is wont to happen with anyone who bends their will consistently to meet other people's needs, she hit a breaking point and came to who other than yours truly, bitch of the year and queen of doing things just my way.

What did I tell her? (Here comes the motivational part!) I told her that if you let everyone else run your life, you miss out. Put your foot down. Do for you as the Jersey Shore cast would say. Make yourself happy, just don't hurt anyone in the process and it is all good. There is no need to live life completely for other people.

And do you know what shedid? She finally asserted herself and what she said to me was "I feel SO good now." Way to motivate! 

So listen up people out there reading this amazing literary work of mine ... STAND UP FOR YOURSELVES. You only have ONE life to live and it is ALL YOURS. Not mine, not your mother's, not your friend's. Make yourself happy and others will be much happier to be around you. Lesson learned. Lesson taught.


1. Michael Brian Nealon (not a thing, still totally awesome)
2. Stephanie Forth aka the other half of my ovaries / sister from another mister
3. My family including my little puppy Oreo & my big step-puppy Jake
4. My extended Thursday night family <3
5. The anticipation on Friday afternoon at 5 o’clock
6. Sleeping in with the one you love on a comfy bed
8. A warm hot tub after a long day at work
9. Shonda the Honda
10. Driving absolutely no where with your best friend in the world and talking about absolutely everything.
11. Rocking out alone in traffic and getting other people to rock along with you.
12. The smell of a fresh lit cigarette in the summertime.
13. Wednesday coin night!
14. Laughing until you cannot breathe. Literally.
15. Surprises that let you know someone cares.
16. Notes in the morning before work, fresh packed lunches & sweet texts all day
17. A brief feeling of faith and serenity
18. D.V.R.
19. Seeing someone through from their best to their worst because you love them. Unconditionally.
20. Making a sale, even if you don’t get commission.
21. Eating delicious food.
22. Candle lit bubble baths
23. Having a tv in the bathroom
24. Halloween!
25. That fresh clean right out of the shower shampooed and conditioned feeling.
26. The ocean
27. Pleasure Beach (RIP)
28. Skiing
29. The feeling in your stomach right as the roller coaster begins to drop
30. The adrenaline rush of fear.
31. Paying bills with my own money.
32. Cumberland Farms fountain drinks for 84 cents
33. Text messaging
34. Pictures / Photography (there  IS a difference)
35. A good book
36. Underwear shopping!
37. The Aveni family Christmas Eve
38. My mom’s cooking
39. My boyfriend’s cooking
40. The fact I never have to cook : )
41. Milford, Connecticut 06461/0
42. My extreme nursing fantasies (somewhat reflective of a crazy Grey’s episode)
43. Hoarders. Not only the show, the ACTUAL people.
44. Reality tv shows in any way, shape or form
45. Ben & Jerry’s Coffee Heathbar Crunch
46. 70 degrees and sunny
47. A deep, dreamless sleep
48. Sharpies!
49. A song that speaks exactly to you
50. Three years this February
51. Good sex.
52. The feeling of being in love.
53. Reflecting on a horrible time in your life but still laughing and calling it “the good ole days”
54. Full blown mania
55. Diet coke (or as I call it Dee Coke)
56. Staples or any like designed office store
57. Target!
58. Acting like a little kid and not really giving a hoot
59. The diner. Only with people I like. Sorry.
60. Skinny days
62. Facebook. I AM addicted.
63. My hair.
64. Not being ugly. Sounds shallow yet very true.
65. Smirnoff Ice. I don’t care if I can’t drink it. It is still awesome for those who can.
66. Writing a masterpiece or at least what I think are masterpieces.
67. Buying household items
68. Crying your face off when you need a release
69. The bra that makes you two cup sizes bigger.
70. Coloring in color books.
71.  Laughing at the foolishness of other people.
72. Knowing what your best friends are thinking without needing to talk.
73. E* Drinks
74. Finding a CD,  putting it on and instantly being transported back to the time you burnt it.
75. War of the Roses on KTU (103.5) every week day at 5:40
76. Working or reading by natural light
77. A good pen
78. Overcoming your most crippling fears
79. Accepting that it is what it is
80. Unexpected money
81. When life just works out somehow
82. Karma
83. Fate
84. Driving fast when there is no one on the road
85. Weekend trips
86. Getting lost with someone else driving : )
87. Waking up and going to bed happy
88. Learning new things with someone who has the patience to teach me.
89. The stars with no light pollution
90. Thunderstorms. Really wicked thunderstorms.
91. Knowing you saved someone’s life, directly or indirectly, even if you never ever see them again.
92. Taking off and landing in an airplane.
93. PACE trucks. Don’t ask.
94. Incorporating program slogans into work. POSTIVE ATTITUDE CHANGES EVERYTHING GUYS!
95. Mittens and scarves in the winter time.
96. Driving around RIGHT after it snows and no one is on the road.
97. Keeping your patience in a situation you would usually not
98. Learning to take people where they are coming from
99. Saving money
100. When people are unexpectedly friendly

100 Days of Awesome Cult Movement

I have been indoctrinated into taking the bait and joining the "100 Days of Awesome" movement that is sweeping the country, or at least my Facebook friends. Mind you, this is probably a good exercise for me to engage in because for practically one third of the year (oh. my. God.) I will have to do something positive every single day, and let's be honest, Liz is far from the princess of positivity.

Because I am lazy and impatient (not ready to remove those defects yet) I plan on combining day one and day two into one fabulous blog entry that will come shortly after this one.

I want to thank Ryan for introducing me to this lovely idea. Hopefully I will not abandon it after day five but looking into the future (another defect I am not ready to remove) happens to be a sport of mine and I see one task that requires no use of negatives. Note: I just used two in one sentance. Clearly I should do this on the weekend because my job is one big NO. I also hope one day is not designated "quite smoking day" or something corny like that because while I may want to undergo an attitude change, I'm really not up for the lifestyle / bad habit changes.

I also want to thank my Mommy for giving me the gift of life and motivating me to do this (covered her task #1). Even though I really don't have much time for a blog I will probably make time during work hours when I am incredibly bored (ie: RIGHT NOW) and late at night after I am done being irritated at a meeting or watching an episode of Hoarders which seems to constantly be one. Trust that I am NOT protesting.

So please, stay tuned ... I know you are riveted ... and enjoy my one hundred days of pure unadultered AWESOMENESS!