
Compliment Everyone (I Like)!

Unfortunately I am incredibly late on updating this but as one of my favorite mottoes states, "better late than never," so here I go.

I performed the task of "compliment everyone" on Saturday. Because I am still me (and I will NEVER conform, let's be honest) I took it to mean "compliment everyone YOU KNOW." Not sure if that is how it is supposed to go but that's how I wanted it to go, especially since I spent the day at the mall shopping for a JWOWW / SNOOKIE costume with my best friend in life. I mean really, what was I supposed to do? Go up to random hoodlums with illegitimate children and tell them their babies are cute? Not gonna happen.

I began the day as I begin each day, waking up to Mr. Michael Brian who is just as cute as can be and telling him so. I guess you could consider this a compliment but I do it all of the time no matter what the day. I probably said fifteen ridiculously sweet / disgustingly couple-ish "compliments" within the first half hour of me being awake. As far as I remember we spent the day together until Steph came over. My memory is that shot.

When she got here, we took off to go shopping for our epic AWESOME Halloween costumes. Seriously, I should dedicate an ENTIRE blog just to how awesome our costumes are. Since I won't subject you to a complete entry just about that, I will include it right here.



Yes, you have the right to remain jealous.

But back to complimenting other people besides myself (if I must). While I got all snookie-fied, Steph got into her crazy JWOWW costume, aka: strips of fabric somehow put together just covering her boobs.

Here is where the compliment came in.

Stephanie has lost so much weight. When I say SO MUCH I mean like fifty pounds. Literally. So of course when she started whining about looking fat in her JWOWW costume I could HONESTLY say to her, "you don't look fat, you look mad hot." I emphasize honestly because there was a vow somewhere in the last few months that stated I had to tell her if she got fat (again) and she had to tell me if my boyfriend was wierd (again). We have each other's backs like that.

I personally felt it was a successful complimenting day based solely on the fact that I complimented two of the people I love the most in the world AND I succeeded in not ripping someone's head off when (a) the credit card machine went down in wet seal and I had to pay with the twenty I specifically took out for my fountain sodas during the week, (b) the kid in the Halloween store told me I could not take the wigs out and look at them even though they wanted to charge twenty dollars a pop, and (c) I was going through severe nicotine withdrawal in a hot mall with half of the hood around me.

In conclusion, a pat on the back for me, a pass for all of the people I should have and wanted to bitch out and a big I LOVE YOU, YOU'RE CUTE, YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL, YOU'RE AMAZING AND YOU'RE AWESOME to the people that make my life complete : )

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